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Can I get Life Insurance if I’ve had a stroke?

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In the UK, a stroke occurs around 152,000 times a year* and it affects millions of people.

Just because you’ve suffered a stroke doesn't necessarily make Life Insurance something you can't afford.

The good news is that Moneysworth can find Life Cover for the many people who have suffered a stroke.

* Source: Stroke Association

If you've suffered a stroke, Moneysworth provides an expert service to help you find competitive Life Insurance

There are many factors to consider when looking at insurance for a stroke survivor, which is why premium rates can vary significantly between insurers.

If you use an expert company like Moneysworth, we can help you get the most suitable results for your individual needs and circumstances.

Stroke Issues and Life Cover – your questions answered

Insurers will take all medical factors into consideration before making a decision about your application. If it was a mini stroke then your chance of approval will be much greater as long as six months have passed.

If you experienced a full stroke then usually at least six months will have to pass before a life insurance company will consider offering you a policy, though some companies will want to wait longer.

  • When you had the stroke
  • Your age now and when it occurred
  • How many strokes you have had
  • How long it has been since you last had a stroke
  • The type of stroke you had
  • How you have recovered
  • Additional risk factors such as smoking, drinking heavily, high blood pressure, obesity, etc.
  • General health such as weight/height, family medical history, overall health, blood pressure and hobbies/activities.

Yes, each insurer will make a decision independently and look at your individual circumstances.

We recommend using an expert like Moneysworth to help search the market for competitive Life Insurance cover.

Ischaemic (clot)

This is most common, around 85%, and occurs as a result of an obstruction within a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain.

If the obstruction stays in one place the brain and enlarges (thrombosus), or the clot can break free and travel to the brain through the bloodstream (an embolism).

Hemorrhagic (bleed)

This occurs when small blood vessels in the brain become weak and burst due to aneurysms or arteriovenous malformations (AVMs).

Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)

This is considered a minor or 'mini stroke'. It's caused by a temporary disruption in the blood supply to part of the brain. This can cause sudden symptoms similar to those of a stroke but the effects often only last for a few minutes or hours and fully resolve within 24 hours.

In some situations, it may be possible to obtain some Critical Illness Cover if you have had a Transient Ischaemic Attack, though this will not be available with most insurance companies.

Moneysworth can help search a range of insurers so you can get competitive, good value Life Insurance as a stroke survivor.

How Moneysworth is better placed to help you find Life Insurance

Why? Because when insurance companies look at your condition and requirements, they don't always make the same decision.

If you were to ask just one or even a few insurers, how would you know if the terms you're being offered are really competitive? Also, if those insurers decline to offer you any cover, how would you know if other insurers in the market would make the same decision?

Moneysworth deals with insurance companies across the market, so asking us to find Life Insurance on your behalf could save you a lot of time and worry. This is a real benefit if you want to feel confident that you're getting a really good outcome.

Before applying to insurers, we carefully examine the details of your circumstances. We have a wealth of experience in searching for Life Cover for people with health conditions, which means there's a good chance of finding life insurance with affordable premiums.

We've even developed special research processes designed to help you get a favourable result. So, by the time we apply, we already have a good idea of what the final outcome might be - and can usually give you an idea of the price as well.

If Moneysworth can't get you the cover you are seeking, it probably isn't possible to obtain.

We know (based on personal experience) the value of Life Insurance. It's one of the reasons that we're so dedicated to helping each and every client find the most suitable result.

Very few other companies are able to offer you the level of specialist knowledge and experience that our team has gained. Moneysworth has been successfully sourcing Life Insurance for people with health conditions for over 22 years.

Moneysworth provide a personal service for every client. Right from the beginning, you'll speak with a real expert. No endless telephone menu options or being passed around different departments.

We help you throughout the whole process, providing you with explanations along the way. We aim to make the journey as easy as possible for you, ensuring that you feel fully-informed.

Peace of mind is worth waiting for! Why writing to your GP is a good thing…

When a life insurance company writes for medical information from a doctor, they will need to wait until they get the information back in order to make a final underwriting decision. Inevitably, this means that it takes a while to get a final answer.

However, if the life insurance company receives medical information from your GP and decides to make you a definite offer of life insurance, you can feel safe in the knowledge that the insurance company has taken independent medical verification before offering the terms.

Why is it so important that the insurance company sees your medical information?

Well, providing that you have fully and honestly answered all the questions on the application form, you can feel confident that the cover is fit for purpose and – if the worst happens – the policy will pay out.

We believe that knowing the policy will pay out is the most important thing for all clients – especially if you already have a health condition.

Many people come to Moneysworth after being declined Life Cover elsewhere.

We're often successful in finding Life Cover for these people. Different life insurance companies often take differing positions on the same information. Our processes are designed to help identify where you can get the most favourable result.

There are cases when, despite our best efforts, we are unable to find cover – but usually we are able to find the cover you require.

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We don't charge you a fee

If you start a policy, we will be paid a commission by the insurance company. The insurance company will usually pay for any doctor's fees if reports are required.

Did you know?

Perception vs. Reality…
Some people think that insurers don't usually pay out for Life Insurance, Critical Illness Cover and Income Protection claims.

However, in 2019, a record high of 98.3% of Life Insurance claims made were paid, including 97.4% of term Life Insurance claims, 91.6% of Critical Illness Cover claims and 99.9% of Whole of Life claims.

Source: Association of British Insurers, May 2020