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The new Reaching Resilience report from insurer LV= has revealed the gaps present in many people’s strategies for protecting themselves against the adverse financial consequences of illness or injury.

Unrealistic to rely on savings when many have so little put aside

When asked how they would cover outgoings if they were unable to work for two months or more, the most popular answer, given by 47% of survey respondents, was that they would rely on savings or rainy day emergency funds. Just how realistic this is for many people was called into question by a separate finding that only 42% of households could manage for more than three months without an income. One in ten people said they had no savings at all and around 25% had less than 1,000 put by for an emergency fund.

12% of employed people and as many as 19% of the self-employed said they would continue working through their illness or injury, despite the fact that this may be impossible if the problem is severe and/or causes then person to spend a period in hospital.

Consider exactly who is a dependant

The average working person’s income supports three people, according to the survey. Some respondents even classed their pets as people dependent on their income, although most mentioned needing to support their partner, children or other relatives, as well as ex-partners and their children. Two-thirds of the working population also have some form of debt, and of course lenders would expect debt repayments to continue if the person was absent from work.

Taking out protection policies in advance can very much help to alleviate any concerns in this area. The survey found that, while 52% of UK workers have some form of protection policy, only 27% have income protection insurance and only 29% have critical illness insurance.

Life insurance is something you should very much be considering from the start of your adult life, especially if you have children, or a mortgage, or you earn more than your partner.

Income protection – which pays a replacement income should you be unable to work due to accident or sickness – is something you need to consider taking out as soon as you are in employment. What would the consequences be were you to cease receiving a wage and be forced to reply on the very limited state support?

Critical illness insurance might also be appropriate for adults of any age – after all you can be diagnosed with a serious illness at any age, no matter how young and healthy you might feel. This type of insurance is often taken out to protect a mortgage, and ensure the balance is paid off were you to be diagnosed with a critical illness. It is important to note, however, that critical illness can be a useful way of ensuring that you (and any children) can receive a lump sum to pay for medical treatment or nursing costs, or for the necessary modifications to your home to adapt to your condition.

If you would like to find out more, then contact Moneysworth today to see how we can help.

Here at Moneysworth, we might claim that “our specialist service has helped people with health conditions to find life insurance and other protection insurance.” When we look at the superb feedback clients with health conditions have given us, it’s easy to see just how we have managed to provide real solutions to real problems faced by individual clients.

Many of these people tell us about the difficulties they experienced obtaining cover, prior to contacting Moneysworth. Others mention that they had tried to get other brokers to help them, without success.

“After searching for life insurance with a heart condition, I came to the conclusion that no company would cover me, or the ones that would wanted to charge me a fortune. I decided to give it one last chance through Moneysworth to see if they could locate a policy that wouldn’t cost as much as a mortgage payment. After sending my initial inquiry, I was contacted by the most helpful protection consultant, Joanne Hallsworth. Joanne spent time with me to truly understand my needs and conditions. She then collaborated with Paul Rushton and came back with not only a cover that matched my needs perfectly but also a realistic price. While we all hope to never use life insurance, having a medical condition adds extra worry in case something happens and you want to ensure your family is supported.”

“Fantastic service. First contacted Moneysworth in 2022 to arrange life insurance with an underlying heart condition, after I’d been declined by a major provider. They were really informative, and talked through all the options available to best suit my family. They were then incredibly patient and professional when an unexpected health issue changed my circumstance. When I got back in touch in late 2023, they worked through several providers and managed to secure cover for me. A huge weight off my and my partner’s mind. Thanks so much to Jo and the wider team for persevering and all the help and advice.”

“The service was excellent. My case was a bit more complex than the standard life insurance case as I have a disability but I wanted to make sure I got insurance to protect my family. Malcolm supported me in this over a long period of time and was very helpful given I’d previously had a very bad experience with insurance. Malcolm didn’t give up and supported both myself and my partner in getting the right insurance we needed. He was absolutely amazing and I don’t think I’d have gone through with the process without him.”

“Perfect. They were incredibly patient and really listened to me with what I was after. They did not discriminate me at all for my mental or physical health and made sure I got the best deal possible.”

“Simple, efficient service by friendly people. Got me life cover when I had very difficult medical conditions.”

“Seamless great provider for Life Insurance, approachable understandable and knowledgeable staff who found the right insurer and product for me where other insurance companies refused cover. Took a few days from enquiry to finding and agreeing a provider and cover starting.”

We have had some major successes obtaining cover for clients with what appeared to be fairly serious health conditions. So if you’ve been struggling to get life insurance, critical illness insurance and income protection insurance, then contact Moneysworth today.

If people don’t take out life insurance, critical illness insurance or income protection insurance, then one of the reasons they might give is that they are prepared to take the risk and so they do not take steps to minimise the financial consequences of dying or becoming ill.

The problem with this approach is that, by not looking at appropriate insurances, you are potentially exposing your loved ones to the risk as well. A recent study by insurer LV= found that the average UK worker’s income supports as many as three people – so think about whether your spouse, partner and dependants could manage if your income was taken away suddenly.

The same study also exposed the low levels of savings held by the UK population, with 40% of workers not having an emergency fund of the recommended three months’ worth of average expenditure. This means that large numbers of people cannot rely on their savings to replace a wage earner’s income should the worst happen.

Life insurance can provide sufficient funds to replace the income of a family breadwinner should they pass away. It’s also possible to add critical illness cover to the policy, so that the same sum is paid out should you contract a serious illness.

Income protection policies can be set up to pay a significant proportion of your income, should you be unable to work due to accident or sickness.Moneysworth are experts in arranging lifecritical illness and income protection insurance. We are a whole-of-market specialist protection broker and we can search the entire marketplace to find the most suitable product and provider for your individual circumstances. Contact us today to find out more.

You may be aware of the Consumer Duty, which was introduced by our regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), on 31st July 2023.

The Consumer Duty places new obligations on financial services firms to take positive actions to ensure they deliver good outcomes for their clients.

One of the main things the FCA wants to see from firms is known as the ‘price and value outcome’. This relates to whether retail customers are receiving ‘fair value’ for a product or service.

The ‘price’ part of this is easy to address, as when you approach Moneysworth for advice on your life insurance, critical illness insurance or income protection insurance needs, you won’t need to pay a fee at any point.

When it comes to delivering ‘value’ to our clients, we promise to:

  • Act in a professional and courteous manner at all times
  • Ask questions about your personal and financial circumstances to ensure we have all the necessary information to establish how much insurance cover you require; and to recommend the right product
  • Conduct thorough research, considering all of the providers in the marketplace, to ensure we identify the most appropriate provider and product for your individual circumstances
  • Answer any queries you might have at any point. We are available to assist at all stages of the application process, as well as once the process has concluded and your policy is in force

Our commitment to providing value for our clients also means that we will do our very best to find insurance for you, regardless of your circumstances. We can never guarantee that we will be successful in finding an insurer to accept you, but there are many occasions in the past when we have been successful in securing cover for clients with all manner of different medical conditions.

If you have a medical condition, then it might be the case that the choice of insurers is limited, and you may also need to pay an increased premium. We promise, however, to find the most competitive premium available in the marketplace.

We also have extensive experience of finding cover for people who reside outside of the UK. Once again, these cases can be more complex, but we undertake to provide the very best service and find the best policy available

If you have been told by another broker that you won’t be able to get life insurance, critical illness insurance or income protection insurance due to your health condition, or due to any other reason, then contact Moneysworth today to see how we can help.

You don’t have to have complex circumstances, such as a health condition or being an overseas resident, to be a Moneysworth client either. To get the very best advice on your life insurance, critical illness insurance or income protection insurance needs, contact us today and one of our experienced and knowledgeable advisers will be in touch.

Having  type 1 or type 2 diabetes often makes it harder or even impossible to find suitable Life Cover, Critical Illness Cover and Income Protection.

Life insurance companies typically have a range of different premium rates for people with diabetes. Different companies will place the same person in different price bands. The process of applying for cover can often take weeks – or even months – if medical reports need to be obtained and checked. And although the situation has somewhat improved for Life Cover in recent years, most insurers are still unwilling to consider Critical Illness or Income Protection for people with any type of diabetes.

How has the prospect of finding Life Cover been improved for people living with diabetes?

Well, there’s definitely some good news here.

In recent years, we’ve seen improvements in the prices for Life Cover typically offered to people with diabetes.

Another encouraging development we’ve seen with a couple of insurers: after starting the life insurance policy, the insurers reward policyholders by reducing premiums if the customer can demonstrate improved control (i.e. if their HbA1c reading comes down by a certain amount). We think this is a very encouraging sign, not just because it can make cover cheaper, but because it demonstrates that the insurance market is starting to consider how to adapt to the unique circumstances of people with long-term health conditions.

If certain criteria are met, it’s now possible for people living with diabetes to get a “fast-track” application, which means cover could be in place immediately. Less stress, more peace of mind – exactly the kind of innovation we want to see for people with long-term health conditions who want to protect their financial security and their family’s future.

What about Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover for people living with diabetes?

A year ago, there were hardly any options for people with diabetes to obtain Income Protection Insurance. For most it simply wasn’t available.

Moneysworth campaigned to improve that situation, and we’re pleased to see at least some people in the insurance industry listened to us!

With expert guidance, it’s now possible for some people who have type 2 diabetes to get Income Protection with no exclusions, subject to certain criteria. But for people with type 1 diabetes, although there is some availability, it’s extremely limited.

The situation for Critical Illness Cover has been slow to improve. It is now possible for people living with diabetes to obtain Critical Illness Cover – but the options are very limited and the chances of being offered cover are even narrower if they have type 1.

The small signs of progress we’ve seen in the market are a welcome start, but the fact is most insurance companies still don’t offer either of these protection products to people who have diabetes.

We want the insurance industry to see people living with long-term health conditions as a priority.

The charity Diabetes UK reports that there are around 3.7 million people who have been diagnosed with diabetes in the UK, and that figure is predicted to rise to 5 million by 2025*.

In light of this, we firmly believe that the insurance market needs a surge of innovation to make its products and services more forward-thinking and inclusive.

Moneysworth wants to see cover options and availability broaden for people living with diabetes, and so we’ll continue to lobby the insurance industry.

* Source: Diabetes UK ‘Facts & Figures

Obtaining Critical Illness cover for anyone with Type 2 Diabetes can be very difficult, but it is possible in some circumstances, as one of our recent cases demonstrates.
The first problem is that most insurance companies will automatically decline any application for Critical Illness cover from a person with Type 2 diabetes, irrespective of positive factors, such as good control and lack of complications. So it’s difficult for consumers to know where to go.
Normally buying life insurance and critical illness cover can be done in many places like the bank, large comparison websites and financial advisers, however if your personal circumstances mean that you do not fit the standard mould, you would be well advised to use the services of a life insurance broker who has particular specialisation in dealing with people who have health conditions.
Moneysworth has been successful in arranging Life and Critical Illness cover on a number of occasions for people with Type 2 Diabetes, as a recent case demonstrates.
A gentleman in his early 40’s made an enquiry on our website: Type 2 Diabetes had relatively recently been diagnosed, his control was good and he didn’t have any diabetic complications, but he was overweight. With a raised BMI (Body Mass Index) of 31, this made finding cover even more difficult. He wanted Life and Critical Illness cover and had a specific budget in mind for his premiums of £75 per month.
As we do in all cases, we researched the whole market for the client to see if life and critical illness cover would be available. Our research indicated that only one insurance company would offer him cover, so we applied to them. The insurer wrote to his GP surgery for further medical information and on receipt of that offered a guaranteed premium policy for £75 per month, covering the client for Level Life or Critical Illness cover (without exclusions) of £75,350 over 23 years.
People with an existing health condition who have been declined elsewhere should not give up hope of getting the cover they want until they have used the services of a specialist life insurance broker. If a client wants to find out what might be available and apply, Moneysworth do not charge a fee. This means Moneysworth is only paid a commission by an insurer if we are successful. Remember if you’re unsure if a broker is a specialist, you could ask the question: ‘What percentage of your clients have pre-existing health conditions?’. At Moneysworth that figure is over 75%!